Part Number: ADC128S102 Is there an RTL/Verilog/VHDL model for this part that can be used in a simulation environment to test out the part before HW integration?
Part Number: ADC128S102-SEP Tool/software: Hi, I'm attempting to use the ADC128S to read analog inputs on the system primary side, while talking to an FPGA on an isolated secondary side.
Does the ADC have internal electrical isolation, allowing for…
Part Number: ADC128S102 How tolerant is the SPI interface to nonmonotonicities? Is there a deglitch filter on the SCLK/CS/MOSI lines? I am seeing nonmonotonicities of up to 100mV and 0.5ns to 1ns on signal edges into the ADC, would these negatively affect…
Part Number: ADC128S102 What is the effect on the ADC128S102WGRQV if one of analog inputs (IN0, IN1, ...IN7) is left floating? Is there a current increase in the VA supply through the device in this scenario? What is the magnitude of the supply current…
Part Number: ADC128S102 Hi Team,
Is there any experience or documentation about ADC128S102 and Raspberry Pi as MCU, with SPI connection? Library or Code examples can be very helpful!
Part Number: ADC128S102-SEP Hello, I am using ADC128S102-SEP in one of our design and we realized that the ADC reading is saturating around 4.5V. Wanted to check if this is true or there is some failure in our case also we are using a unity gain opamp LMP2012WG…
Part Number: ADC128S102-SEP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC128S102QML-SP , Hello,
I would like to know if this component is the same chip with respect to ADC128S102QML-SP but with different package and screening or if they are different chips.
Part Number: ADC128S102 I have a sneak path sagging our power supply rail from -0.4 volts to -1.5 V depending on whether there's a shottky clamp. This rail may in the future power the VA rail of the ADC128S102 device. I'd like to understand how bad this…
Part Number: ADC128S102-SEP Hi, does ADC128S102PWTSEP have SEFI or SET (transient) characterization? in the SEL report it discusses a SET test setup but I do not see results or any conclusions about SET or SEFI performance. Thanks