Part Number: ADC128S102-SEP Hello - I have reviewed the reliability information on-line ( ), but I cannot find the thickness of the gold in the leads. What is the thickness…
Part Number: ADC128S102 Hi,
This ADC has a parameter called "DC Leakage Current". I am wondering when this leakage current is present at each pin of the Analog Inputs: is it present * always *? or is it present only when the channel associated…
Part Number: ADC128S102-SEP Hi Expert,
My csutomer want to know the semiconductor manufacturing process node about ADC128S102-SEP.
I think it may be in the range between 65nm~300nm, am I right?
Part Number: ADC128S102 Hi Experts,
My team is looking at placing a pull-down (or pull-up) resistor on the Dout line of this ADC. We would like the Dout signal to be in a deterministic state (high or low) inclusive of the start up condition. Our use-case…
Part Number: ADC128S102 The location of the picture marker, we saw before that TI material does not have this mark, is this a change, or what is the situation
Part Number: ADC128S102 I have downloaded the IBIS model for the ADC128S102. When I import it into PSPICE and I get twelve 5.5 V and twelve 3.3 V sub-circuits. I am having difficulty mapping the those sub-circuits to the pins when I try to create a complete…
Part Number: ADC128S102 Hi Team,
We received this inquiry from our customer.
We are using the ADC128S102WGRQV in a space application. During space flight a SET might occur on the OpAmp that is driving the ADC input. During such event, the ADC input voltage…