Part Number: ADC12SJ800 Tool/software: Hi,
We have selected ADC12SJ800 for our design but I have a question that how a 800Msps sampling rate ADC can resolve a 6000MHz bandwidth analog input signal?
Part Number: ADC12QJ1600EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12SJ800 , ADC12QJ1600 Tool/software: Hi all,
we would like to use different balun than used on ADC12QJ1600EVM.
Is it possible to use TCM2-63WX+ instead of TCM2-43X+?
Can you provide S-params…
Part Number: ADC12QJ1600EVM Tool/software: Dear all,
can you provide schematics and possibly also layout so we can check FMC connector pinout and select suitable Xilinx FPGA kit?
Thank you,