Part Number: ADC32RF42 Hi,
I have 2 questions, First one is a general question not exactly related with the part and I'd appreciate if you can give an answer. Since sysref frequency is way smaller than the device frequency of an FPGA or ADC32RF42, why…
Sorry for late response. Yes I am also using adc32rf45 in 12 bit bypass mode. Sampling frequency is 1.5GHz which gives 4x6Gb/s=24Gb/s total lane rate over 4 lanes.
Part Number: ADC32RF42 Hi,
I have 2 questions, first one is a general question related to jesd204 interface and I'd appreciate if you can answer it. Since sysref frequency is way smaller than device clk frequency of an FPGA or ADC32RF42, why do we need…
Part Number: ADC32RF42 Hi,
I have a simple question:). Does ADC32RF42 run at 14 bit bypass mode at fs=1.5GHz?
In Table 13 on page 46, it says max freq at 14 bit bypass mode is 1.25GHz.
On page 6, on top of the table test condition says 14 bit, bypass…
Part Number: ADC32RF42 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC32RF44 Hi,
I'd like to run ADC32rf42at 1.5GHz and 250MHz sampling rates with bit resolutions of 12 and 14 respectively. I could check the data sheet for ENOB for fs=1.5GHz;however, I couldn't see…
Part Number: ADC32RF42 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC32RF44 , ADC32RF45 , ADC32RF80 , ADC32RF82 , ADC32RF83 Good afternoon,
Are there any alternate parts that are pin compatible with this chip? I have not found reference to it but wanted to be sure…
Part Number: ADC32RF42 Good afternoon, We are seeing significant correlated FS/4 noise on our ADC samples. We confirmed that this ADC had 2 cores per channel so we only expected FS/2 interleaving noise, not FS/4. Our sampling rate is 800MHz. See images…
Part Number: ADC32RF42 Good afternoon,
I noticed that our whole thread is not visible in this case? Where did the rest of it go? I have an email that shows the response but I cannot find it in any of the threads. I even did a general search through the…
Part Number: ADC32RF42 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC32RF44 , ADC32RF45 Hello Guys,
Good day.
Kindly help to clarify. The datasheet indicates each channel has 4 cores (or is interleaved across 4 ADCs), but then in other places discusses 2 cores …
Part Number: ADC32RF42
We are running 2 adc chips, both channels on each and are trying to synchronize the data of all 4 channels in the time domain. We have successfully accomplished this on another board, but on this board we are seeing data that…