Hi Bob,
Thank you for the detailed information. I have chosen ADS1218 (already in laboratory) due for single channel requirement but now requirement changed for upgradation to 8 channels. I will look out for other ADC which you have shared the part n…
Hello Bob,
In my case, the BUFEN pin was floating but it will not affect SPI communication or DRDY status, right?
From TI products, we have bought this ADC. I have ordered the new 4MHz oscillator and will get it within 4-5 days, If this also does not…
Part Number: ADS1218 Hello,
I am trying to read data from ads1218 ADC interfaced with Arduino Uno. I have connected 5V DC input in AIN0 (+ve) and AIN1 (-ve), 4Mhz crystal oscillator (2 no of 22pf capacitor connected in parallel ) is used in Xin and Xout…
Part Number: ADS1218 We are optimizing our code for a measurement product that uses the ADS 1218 interfacing with SPI.
The product is meant to operate with or without the 1218 depending on what feature is selected.
Upon start-up we write a reset command…
Part Number: ADS1218 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1217 , ADS1216 , ADS124S08 , ADS1261 Dear TI Support,
For a project I need to use ADS1217 or 18 and because the time is so limited I am looking for an example for its driver in c.
I found that you…
Part Number: ADS1218 We have been using the ADS 1218 for for several years for pressure and temperature sensor data acquisition and produced few hundreds of card(with 48 ADC on board) working flawlessly with same circuit on board.
Recently we encountered…
Part Number: ADS1218 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1243 We are using the ADS1218 (and the ADS1243) in both chips there is a /PWDN pin that we use to shut down the part to conserve power. My question is how long after raising /PWDN is the chip ready…
Part Number: ADS1218 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models can i get the equivalent front end circuit for simulating front end of ADS1218 with buffer ON. Is there any bias voltage at input pins
Part Number: ADS1218 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models i want to simulate the front end of ADS1218 with the buffer ON . Are the spice models available for the same. If yes pl send link. If no, how do i model…
Part Number: ADS1218 Hi All,
IN ADS1218, user is suppose to read the data when DRDY goes low. Is it mandatory to read this data in every DRDY low cycle? Let us say I read the data after few DRDY cycles, will I get the correct data i.e. the data of the…