Part Number: ADS1235 Based on this circuit design, 15 prototypes were tested on power and found that the input current of the DVDD was 24mA.
One step of testing revealed that when PIN8 (RESET) is pulled to 0V, the input current of the DVDD is also 24mA…
Part Number: ADS1235 Hello,
I am designing a PCB using the ADS1235 on the design. In the Datasheet its states to "To minimize input leakage of the measurement channel, tie unused inputs to mid-supply voltage (AVDD +AVSS) / 2 or to AVDD." Then later in…
Part Number: ADS1235 Can AVDD and DVDD be powered separately from each other to conserve power?
I.e. can I power DVDD and communicate via SPI and the control GPIOs then power via AVDD once I'm ready to convert?
Separate from the above question, we…
Part Number: ADS1235 Hello. I am designing a PCB for a Strain Gauge measurement system using 2 AD8557 as buffers for the ADS1235 controlled by an STM32. I assembled 20 pcbs, but on 10 of them I get an instability error, the measurements after some time…
Part Number: ADS1235 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1260 Hello. I am designing a load cell with ADS1235 as the ADC with a pre-amplification system using AD8557 as OPAMPS, and STM32F405RGT6 as uC for this system.
I can successfully measure and change…
Part Number: ADS1235 Hello everyone. I am designing a project using the ADS1235 as the ADC for converting load from a strain gauge connected in full wheatstone bridge (amplified and filtered by AD8557 opamp), controlled by a STM32F405 MCU. The device is…
Part Number: ADS1235 I am trying to determine exactly what voltage levels I should expect to see out of the GPIO (AIN0, AIN1, AIN2 or AIN3) when using the ADS1235 in the AC excitation mode when AVDD = 2..5V and AVSS = -2.5V.
The ADS1235 data sheet specifies…
Part Number: ADS1235 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1261 HI Sir
I use the mcu to read the ADS1235 data,
please help to check below source code, or did you have any source code for me reference,thanks
Part Number: ADS1235 Hello everyone I'm developing a device that reads a load cell. Due to the characteristics of speed and precision I chose ADS1235. I developed a custom board and I'm currently at a stage where I can read data and edit registers. I don…