Part Number: ADS1258EVM-PDK Tool/software: Hello,
I'm using the ADS1258EVM with a sparkfun ESP32 Thing microcontroller to communicate between the PC and the ADC. I am controlling the ADC (sending commands, initializing) using MATLAB. I connected an AWG…
Part Number: ADS1258EVM-PDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1258 Hi Team,
(1) I want to connect ads1258 without MMB0 to interface with the RZA2M processor. I this ads1258 board the Jumpers are not present in J4.1-2(ADC_AVDD) and J4.3-4(ADC_AVSS). Is…
Part Number: ADS1258EVM-PDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1258 Hi,
We recently purchased two of the ADS1258EVM-PDK units to evaluate the use of the ADS1258 in our system, but as of this week (June 20th) it appears that the user manual has been updated…
Part Number: ADS1258EVM-PDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1258 , ADCPRO Hi,
I wanted to know how much is differential reference in ads1258 evm and how to enable it.
Part Number: ADS1258EVM-PDK Hi,
I was using the ADS1258EVM
Currently it is working on 5V supply with reference of 1V and I am nedin it using SPI via teensy 4.1 controller.
I wanted to switch from 5V unipolar to +-2.5V bipiolar supply so that I can read…
Also, you had said that in your previous post you had gotten the ADC to work properly. What have you changed in the meantime such that you are not getting good data anymore?
samarth jain said: Now I am able to get output from AIN0 channel as below
Part Number: ADS1258EVM-PDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1258 , OPA365 , DIYAMP-EVM In the user guide of the Evaluation board of the ADS1258 (ADS1258EVM-PDK) page 9, it is indicated :
7.1 Analog Input The analog input sources can be applied directly…
Part Number: ADS1258EVM-PDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADCPRO , ADS1258 Hello,
after downloading ADS1258EVM-PDK-SW-installer.exe I got the information please upgrade, ADCPro ver. 2.0.0 s needed. Where I can download this plugin.