Part Number: ADS1281 Can 1281 be powered by a single supply, such as AVDD=5V, AVSS=GND, VREFP=4.096V, VREFN=GND. If possible, is the analog input range still from VREF/2 to - VREF/2? At this time, can it be from positive 2.048V to negative 2.048V?
Part Number: ADS1281 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS127L11
Hi to forum users! I have a doubt about dynamic range of delta-sigma converters. Dynamic range is based on RMS noise, higher decimation factor I use, lower RMS noise, so I try to use highest…
Part Number: ADS1281 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS127L21 , ADS1255
Are there available ADC with FIR stage coefficients available? I've found ADS1281 but It's too expensive for current production stage (> 18 bit adc, TSSOP package), how can I check…
Part Number: ADS1281
Hi Team, seeking your assistance.
I want to ask a question about ADS1281's digital filter feature. I've read the datasheet, where I learned from the 'Electrical characteristics' that the -3dB cut-off frequency of the FIR filter…
Part Number: ADS1281 Hi
I am using ADS1281 ADC for my project. For analog inputs I am using differential signal with a DC offset of 1.25V. My reference voltage values are 2.5V and -2.5V. My expectation is getting the numeric value of the difference of…
Part Number: ADS1281 Hello,
How to decide the Input sample rate,Decimation factor, Decimation offset, Estimated delay of the SESSION 1-4 stage FIR filter? I didn't find the detail description of the ADS1281 datasheet。
Best regards
Part Number: ADS1281 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1282 , ADS1262 , ADS1220 Hi experts,
I've watched videos in 'TI precision labs - ADCs' and benefited from it. But I'm still confused about some parameters of practical ADCs and their usage for my…
Part Number: ADS1281 Hi,
Catalog Number - ADS1281PWR.
I can't use SPI communication lines so I connect the M0 and M1 Inputs ports to the FPGA. Within the FPGA I compute the Y[n] function and get results in the range of -24 to +25.
When I only used…
Part Number: ADS1281 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1282 , OPA211 , OPA210 , THP210 , OPA227 , OPA1612 Hi experts,
I'm designing a high-precision measurement system that contains a low-noise and high-precision analog OPAMP front-end and an ADC .