Part Number: ADS131E06 Tool/software: We have made a board with a new ADS131E06 for our sensor. The ADS131E06's read data bits flip once every tens of thousands of times. The point of inversion is not the same every time, neither in the channel nor…
Part Number: ADS131E06 Tool/software: We have made a board with a new ADS131E06 for our sensor. The ADS131E06's read data bits flip once every tens of thousands of times. The point of inversion is not the same every time, neither in the channel nor…
Part Number: ADS131E06 Good day every one.
Now I have a plan to design with ADS131E06IPAG as ANF ADC.
I would like to know how to connect pins that not signal assigned.
In case of ADS131E06IPAGR, INXP or INXN signal is not assigned for Pin No 1, 2, 3…
Part Number: ADS131E06 Hi
One of my cusotmer is using ADS131E06 for their range of products & they want to have new functional requirement for Harmonics measurement in new project with this device.
They want to measure the 40th harmonics considering…
Part Number: ADS131E06 Hello Everyone
I want to meaure 4-20ma and voltage come from a pot . I am using single supply 5Volt . should I connect analog inputs negative ( AIN) to 2.5V ( mid of supply ) or better to ground ( ov) ?
Thank you
Part Number: ADS131E06 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1278 , ADS131E08 Hi team,
How do buffers and D flip flop delay circuits work, and why can reduce signal delays?
If need to place delay circuits, how should the wiring be connected? Do you have a…
Part Number: ADS131E06 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS131E08
VREFP (is internal, 0V) and VREFN is -2.5V. Is this mean that ADC takes input from -2.5V to +2.5V?
How to make ADC takes inputs from 0V to 2.5V? Is it by making VREFN 0V &…
Part Number: ADS131E06 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS124S08 Hi,
We have made hardware prototypes which has both ADS124S08 and ADS131E06 ADCs. I'm trying to read ADS131E06's CONFIG1 (01h) register after RESET line toggle. I'm getting 00h…
Part Number: ADS131E06 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Hello,
The schematic is the front-ended design of out company with ADS131E06. The input AC voltage or current signal is converted to a small mA signal via the transformer (T2, T5) and then…
Part Number: ADS131E06 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS124S08 Hi, I'm trying to read Register address 0x00 through SPI. I'm continuously reading register address @ 0x00 after making ADC's RESET line HIGH. I noticed that MISO data changes during each…