Part Number: ADS131M08 Tool/software: hello TI experts,
Question 1: if configuring bit 6 of CLOCK Register to 1 will physically disconnect the 1.2V internal reference within the ADS131M08 chip (through a switch like mechanism)?
Question 2: According…
Part Number: ADS131M08 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS127L18 Tool/software: Hi,
We are currently testing a circuit using the ADS131M08IPBS. Through the test, I found that the input waveform (10kHz) had insufficient gain, which is causing problems…
Part Number: ADS131M08 Tool/software: Our board has four ads131m08, where one adc takes 3-phase AC voltage data and the other three take AC current data. We need to phase calibrate them. Channel 0, where the voltage data is collected, is used as the…
Part Number: ADS131M08 Tool/software: Hello, On page 42 of data sheet , if we send 0x22 (standby) we should receive (0x22) but in reality I am getting 0x94 as you can see from the following screen shot : we first send 0x22 , then null to read the re…
Part Number: ADS131M08 Tool/software: Hello ,
We are trying to interpret the signals found on page 44 of the datasheet in a c code to read one single register of the ads131m08.
We would like to read the value of one register so we form the 16 bit command…
Part Number: ADS131M08 Tool/software: I had some problems reading the ADS131m08, my engineering design and configuration was this: I used the STM32H743 as the master. The SPI clock is set to 20M and the ADS131mM08 clock is set to 8.192M. The sample rate…
Hi Felipe de Andrade,
I have been out of the office for the last two weeks, thanks for your patience
Is your issue resolved then? It seems like you were clocking out the wrong number of words, leading the issue where the data was not where you expected…
Part Number: ADS131M08 Tool/software: Hello experts,
i am trying to set up communication through SPI between an ads131m08 and an f280049 uC. I have big problems to understand how it should works properly.
Actually i have a routine that should simply…
Part Number: ADS131M08 Tool/software: 1.How to realize 4-piece ADC synchronization with ADS131M08 by SYNC? How to realize ADC mode configuration and synchronization signal by SYNC?
2.What triggers DRDY?When I didn't clear the FIFO, DRDY read garbled…
Part Number: ADS131M08 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS124S08 , ADS127L18 , ADS1258 Dear Friend, We are going to develop an IO module series with analog Inputs/Outputs and digital Inputs/Outputs.We have development previous all products using STM32F407VET6…