Part Number: ADS4149
The serial interface register map of ADS4149 is given in the datasheet SBAS483G Table 10, are there any other registers that are not specified in the datasheet?
Part Number: ADS4149
Based on the IBIS model of ADS4149, we decided to use the CMOS_DATA_HIGH1 buffer.
How should we set the register bits (in the address 41h) in order to use the CMOS_DATA_HIGH1 buffer settings? Does this correspond to CMOS CLKOUT STRENGTH…
Part Number: ADS4149
The ADS4149 datasheet describes the HI PERD MODE 2 bit as:
Bit[0] HI PERF MODE 2: High performance mode 2 This bit is recommended for high input signal frequencies greater than 230MHz. 0 = Default performance after reset 1 = For best…
Part Number: ADS4149 Hi.
regarding ADS4149:
- In the data sheet pin 23 is marked "reserved". Is it ok if I connect it to GND? - In my application I will use 4x ADCs, the ADCs are directly connected to the FPGA. What do I need the "Output Clock…
INL is measured by capturing input sine wave multiple times and record the number of hits for each sample. Linearity is calculated with respect to “Best Fit method”.
Part Number: ADS4149 Hello,
We are using the ADS4149 as a digitizer for unipolar PMT pulses and therefor would like to bias the inputs towards one end of the range. We are presently using some op-amps (well filtered outputs) to provide a stiff voltage…
Part Number: ADS4149 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC5672 , Hi All,
The datasheet states that SEN has a 180 kOhm internal pull-up resistor to AVDD (Page 10). Is this pin referenced to DRGND or AGND?
Part Number: ADS4149 Hi team,
My customer is evaluating ADS4149.
He is trying to set test patterns(output digital ramp) via SPI using FPGA(3.3V) but it doesn't succeed.
Could you provide any advice to solve this problem?
Setting Sequence:
Part Number: ADS4149 Hi team,
Is it be possible to operate ADS4149 without 100Ω termination resistor for LVDS sampling clock input?
Best regards,
Shota Mago