Part Number: ADS5296A Hello Team,
Can I use a single-ended signal as input in the device ADS5296A? If ok, how should I do for INx_n?
Thanks in advance.
Part Number: ADS5296A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS5294 The data sheet gives almost no information about use of the PDN (power down) pin. Please specify:
1. Is the pin active-low or active-high? In which state should it be for normal operation? …
Part Number: ADS5296A Hi,
I want the ads5296a to be operated as an 4_channel 10 bit with interleaving mode.and I configured the register according to the address and data below.
Addr=0x00, Data=0x0001
Addr=0x00, Data=0x0000
Addr=0x07, Data=0x0001
Part Number: ADS5296A
I have this device implemented into a system and it is working well in 12bit mode.
I have also got the device to work in 14bit serialisation mode but the data sheet suggests that 14bit mode should be used in conjunction with…
Part Number: ADS5296A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS5296
after init: some fix chan has digital noise: the analog input is zero, but the adc output has some bit has err '1'.
power on the system 6 times, get 1 err init result probably。
Part Number: ADS5296A Hi,
I'm currently writing firmware to interface this device to an FPGA in 10 bit mode. At the minute I can read full scale ramp test pattern data into the FPGA from the ADC. However, It seems I have work to do to get the data…
Part Number: ADS5296A Dear all,
I have a question about where is the best place to separate a whole Analog to digital chain. Let's assume the whole chain is as following
" 50M analog small current signal + one stage TIA amplifier + one stage Differential…
Part Number: ADS5296A Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools Is there a sch of ADS5296A?I don't have a demo board, but i have to do the design .So how to connect the signal of ADS5296A?
Part Number: TSW1400EVM Trying to follow the bringup procedure in SLAU537 for the ADS5296A EVM w/ the TSW1400 HSDC card. The TSW is not seeing any data and reporting the error "Frame clock error in Read DDR to file."
Verified the frame clock…
Part Number: THS7530 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS5296A , Hi all,
I need to drive the ADS5296A (10b/12b) with signals from around 200kHz up to 80 MHz through a VGA which is driven from single-ended source.
I will be using the ADC mainly in non-interleaved…