Part Number: ADS6443 Hello,
We're using an ADS6443 A/D converter in one of our designs.
The Frame Clock frequency is 80 MHz and the Bit Clock frequency is 320 MHz DDR.
According to the datasheet, the Bit Clock should have a 90 degrees positive phase…
Part Number: ADS6443 Hello,
I am referring to SLAS531B documentation and i have encountered a problem where i cannot set up Word-Wise mode properly. It does change frame clock to 0.5 when i put D10-D9 bits to 0b11 but the output data seems to be out of…
Part Number: ADS6443 Hello,
I am trying to configure ADC ADS6443 in 2-wire, 16 Serial, MSB, rising edge mode. And i noticed that FCLK and DCLK(bit clock) are not changing properly when i choose SDR/DDR or bit-wise/word-wise modes. I supply CLKP pin with…
Open a new post to get back with Chen Kung. Just enter the ADS52J90 part number and this should go to the medical data converter group forum.
They should have most of the answers for these.
Regarding the PC memory, I would think 16GB should be…
The source code released on 1400 product page is a unified firmware that works for all devices. I cannot find the device specific code in that firmware.
It is made to capture data from 28 LVDS pairs possible from HSMC connector. But, data will…