Part Number: ADS7138 Tool/software: Hello,
We are planning to use ADS7138IRTET in one of our design and it gets connected to ZYNQ 7000 FPGA PS which runs on the LINUX Kernel 5.10.
Is the driver available for LINUX kernel 5.10. If yes, can you please…
Part Number: ADS7138 Tool/software: In this case, for every I2C sequence that consist of Start and Stop, do we need to send those opcodes for making it work on high speed?
We need I2C communication to work in 400Khz all the time with ADC7138.
Part Number: ADS7138-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS7138 , ADS7038 Tool/software: Hi,
Could you please send me the example code for ads7138qrterq1 to receive the data via I2C,
I will use the I2C to get the three Voltages ( temperature reading …
Part Number: ADS7138-Q1 Tool/software: Hi,
Please send me a flowchart how the ADC value is read, and the ADC value is read from which registers?
Part Number: ADS7138-Q1 Tool/software: Hi,
I have AIN7 connected to 5V with a 4.12K in series to sense power supply voltage 5V.
Its that okat. iam concerned on exceeding AVDD+0.3V rating on datasheet.
I have 1.2mA flowing through, i sthat a problem
Part Number: ADS7138-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS7138 What is the maximum rating current ((limited current) of ADS7138-Q1 PIN7(AVDD), PIN10(DVDD)?
Part Number: ADS7138-Q1 Tool/software: Hello TI Team,
My team is working on a project with this ADC and have had a couple of them break in a way that causes AVDD (pin 7) to become permanently shorted to GND (pin 9). I would like to know what sort of…
Part Number: ADS7138-Q1
Hi, Support Team
we saw the ADS7138-Q1 functional safety FIT Rate, FMD and Pin FMA document:
ADS7138-Q1 Functional Safety FIT Rate, FMD and Pin FMA
as below table, the Ambient temperature condition is 85deg?
if any suggestion…