Part Number: ADS8028 Tool/software: I wish to use the ADS8028 to interface external signals on the analog side, with a xilinx FPGA connected to the digital side. Due to the FPGA Power-On/Off Power Supply Sequencing, I want provide immediately AVDD (5V…
Part Number: ADS8028 With ADS8028 temp conversion, I seem to be issuing the correct SPI command, and can even read out temp data. However the TM_BUSY won't go high when conversion starts. Not sure if I have a bad device, or if there is something else…
Part Number: ADS8028 Hi,
Good Day.
Power supply DC current need is specified for both AVDD and DVDD together. Could I have them separate? I mean current for AVDD and current for DVDD.
I know it depends on speed and voltage, anyway that 250 mA how…
Part Number: ADS8028 Hi,
a customer is looking for layout recommendations how to layout GND for ads8028.
We have split supply for ADS8028, AGND and DGND
Is it recommended to layout a smaller AGND area and connect the AGND area to the larger GND at a single…
Part Number: ADS8028 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC7836 , Hi Team,
I have a question that how to calculate the ADC error and compare the ADC accuracy? I found several error index in datasheet, such as INL, DNL, gain error, offset error. How to calculate…
Part Number: ADS8028 Hi Ti Expert,
I Designed custom board for ADS8028 ADC chip. I am trying to read sensor data from ADS8028. and sending command form beagle-x15 board using SPI in MODE2.
Reading channel 0(AIN0) command send is 0xA000H . and also try…
Part Number: ADS8028 12-bit ADS8028 datasheet was last revised over 8 years ago, so I would be amazed if this were a long-lived datasheet error.
My question should be clear from the annotations in the screenshot.
Part Number: ADS8028 Hi Team, Do we have a direct TI solution to offer with our customer that is looking for a processor with atleast 8 inbuilt ADCs with 2MSPS sampling rate? He found some ADC IC with DDR LVDS Digital Output Interface, can he interface the…
Part Number: ADS8028 Hello Team,
I have an inquiry about ADS8028.
Curiously the power consumption of ADS8028 has exceeded 38 mA.
From the data sheet, this current consumption should be much lower than 38mA. (On our data sheet shows Total=6.3mA at operating…