Part Number: ADS8515 On sheet 13 of the datasheet in the "INPUT RANGES" section, the following text appears - "Figure 24 shows the necessary circuit connections for the ADS8515 with and without hardware trim ." However, I believe this should…
Part Number: ADS8515 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8505 , ADS7805 , ADS8517 Dear Technical Support Team,
The ADS7805U describes an offset adjustment circuit.
However, ADS8515IDB datasheet does not describe the offset adjustment circuit.
Q1 We are considering…
Part Number: ADS8515 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA320 , ADS8339 , ADS8864 , ADS8695 , ADS8685 Hi,
I have a question on how ADS8515 internal voltage reference of 4.096V is generated? Because I am trying to use this Analog to Digital converter because…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8515 Can anyone throw some light on the External reference connection to ADS8515. The Data sheet description is kinda foggy and inconclusive
Hello Tom,
I'm sorry for the delay.
The reference voltage is generated by a band-gap reference in both ADCs. The design team informed that the reference style is the same for both ADCs and confirmed that the ADS8504 band-gap reference is able to start…