Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8568 , ADS8548 , ADS8528 Hello TI,
I have some Problems to understand the parallel Timing of this three ADCs...
Looking to page 11 of the data sheet, the total 'convertion time' is the sum of tCONV and tACQ, which is for…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8548 , ADS8568 The ADS8548 configuration register is 32-bits and requires 2 separate write cycles. In Figure 3 of the datasheet (attached) it looks like we have to do back-to-back writes while keeping chip select low. …
Hi Magda,
The datasheet only specifies the typical and maximum current at the highest throughput, we do not have the curve/data of power consumption at 20ksps sampling rate. However, I can measure the AVDD current on the ADS8588SEVM which is 8-channel…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8528 , ADS8548 , ADS8568 Hello,
I have two ADS8528 in my design (not daisy chained) and I am thinking about having the ADCs configured in the following way:
1. one of the ADS8528's INT outputs tied to an interrupt pin on…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8548 , ADS8556 , ADS8528 The Daisy chain mode section on page 34 (figure 40) of the ADS8548 datasheet ( http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ads8528.pdf ) shows all four serial lines being used . However, the Serial Interface…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS6442 , ADS8568 , ADS8568EVM-PDK Footprint files for the VQFN package are not on the webpage. I found VQFN for the ADS6442, but pinout is not the same. We have an EVM for the ADS8568, so I'm assuming the files exist, just…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF5025 , OPA350 , ADS8548 Hi,
What are the characteristics (such as offset voltage and bias current over full temperature range) of the internal reference buffer amplifier? Since the internal reference does not meet our…
Part Number: ADS8568EVM-PDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8528 , ADS8568 , ADS8548 Hi Team,
Can ADS8568EVM be used by replacing it with ADS8528?
Also, is it possible to evaluate the ADS8568 with 12-bit operation?
Best Regards,