Part Number: ADS8678 Tool/software: Hi team,
When the input is float, the voltage of the input pin is measured to be about 2.5V. Could you help to find the reason? Thanks.
Part Number: ADS8678 Tool/software: When I used the tool, I got the results shown in the attached document.
I think that the error voltage is the error in the calculation result multiplied by the full scale range. Therefore, is the following calculation…
Part Number: ADS8678 Tool/software: I would like to calculate the accuracy error of the ADS8678IDBT. The calculation method we are currently considering is as follows, but we would like you to check if there are any mistakes.
How to Calculate Accuracy…
Part Number: ADS8678 Hi there,
I noted on the ADS867x datasheet as well as in the ADS8678EVM-PDK that there is no reference to or design information for common mode filtering. Is that because there is little benefit for this device? In my application…
Part Number: ADS8678 Hi there,
I am wanting to use this part for a current sensing application of 0-9V range with current sensing of 0-3A (0.3 ohm resistor). I understand due that due to the non-differential architecture the common mode voltage would…
Part Number: ADS8678 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8688 Hi Team,
I need your help for our customer. Is there any available example of C code for ADS8678. It will be working with Pic18F45k22 8 bit SPI.
Looking forward to your response. Thank…
Part Number: ADS8678 Hi,
I am facing some confusion while going through the specification of TI ADC (MPN ADS8678).
1. There are 8 ADC channel ( with Associated PGA), what is the AUX_IN terminal in the IC. Is it the ADC without PGA?
2. For each Analog…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8678-SEP Hi,
Last September, you presented "Space EP Devices Planned", and in this presentation, there is ADS8678-SEP planned for Q1-2019.
Can you tell me where is this component please ? and can you send…
Part Number: ADS8688EVM-PDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8688 , ADS8678 , ADS8698 Greetings,
We at Draeger are interested in evaluating the 8698 (18-bit ADC), so we desoldered the 8688 and populated the pin-compatible 8698
Following the EVM user guide…
Part Number: ADS8678 Hello,
The ADS8678 datasheet specifies that "The PGA also adjusts the common-mode level of the input signal before being fed into the ADC to ensure maximum usage of the ADC input dynamic range.". However I do not see the maximum…