Part Number: ADS8881 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8900B Tool/software: Dear team,
Currently, My customer are using LTC2328-18 for their application.
To replace this device, I found ADS8881 with similar function but this device is unipolar input…
Part Number: ADS8881 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8883 the ADS8881 has different modes. i wanted to use the " Daisy-Chain Mode Without a Busy Indicator" because it seems to be the easiest if You only want to connect one device per SPi-interface…
Part Number: ADS8881 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2330
Hello, I encountered two problems when I using ADS8881 to have a test
1 ADS8881 datasheet have a measurement for ENOB(DC) as the following displays(Page 39), how to measure it actually?
Part Number: ADS8881 Hello, Few days back I got an ADC from TI as sample. The ADS8881. Since my application is very simple, I stick on to 3-wire CS mode, without busy indicator.
The connection is like this:
1. SDI connected to VCC through a 10K resistor…
Part Number: ADS8861 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8881 , Tool/software:
The following equivalent circuits are copied from the datasheets for the ADS8861 and ADS8881
Notice that there is just one switch, and so it seems the implication is that the…
Part Number: ADS8881 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC1T45 Hello
What is the recommended solution to drive 10 CONVST signals to get synchronous conversion on the 10 channels if I have 10 ADS8881?
Part Number: REF6025 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8887 , , ADS8881EVMV2-PDK , ADS8881 , REF6045 Tool/software: I am using the REF6025 and ADS8887 in a design, with the REF6024.
The datasheet for the REF60xx series, on page 23, in section 9.3.4 Stabilitypage…
Part Number: ADS8881 I have been unable to connect to my ADS8881EVMV2-PDK from the ADS8881 EVM software. It appears to me that the board driver is OK - please see Device Manager image below. The LED D2 is normally flashing rapidly. When I start the ADS8881…
Part Number: ADS8881 Hello,
I would like you to confirm about below.
* There are two analog power (AVDD and REF) in ADS8881.
According to datasheet of ADS8881(Figure 45. Detailed Block Diagram), it seems that "REF" voltage is used for all of analog power…