Part Number: AFE4960PEVM Hi there,
i am currently working on an interfacing python software to work with the AFE4960PEVM. In previous requests i was told that i could get all relevant information from the Biosensing Python scripts. I managed to get the…
Part Number: AFE4960PEVM Hello,
I am noticing some odd behavior when connecting the MHR041 PPG board to the 4960P EVM board, specifically the IO_SUP and RX_SUP are about 2.9V rather than 1.8V as the LDO should be outputting. I am wondering if the daughterboard…
Part Number: AFE4960PEVM Hi,
i want to communicate through pyserial, hence i am searching for a Message Communication Protocol like this:
Thanks Praveen,
AFE4960PEVM is exactly what we are looking for. I'm not seeing a finger tip probe on the kit, is that something that can be ordered separately? Do we need a separate PPG sensor board maybe?
Also, I'm just off the phone with mouser…
Part Number: AFE4960EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE4960PEVM , AFE4960P Hello Team,
Good day. My customer recently purchased the AFE4960EVM (without the 'P' suffix - no PPG), and was granted access to the TI secure software to download: …