Part Number: AFE58JD18 Tool/software: Hello,
I am looking for a 8 or 16 channels AFE's, having ADC's clocking simultaneously at 25 MS/s or higher, minimum 14 bits resolution. A critical request for my application is to have a DC coupled input, either…
Part Number: AFE58JD18 Tool/software: Hello,
if after a power up we program the coefficient RAM and THEN configure demodulator registers, filter coefficients are not correctly loaded.
The coefficients are read back in coefficient test mode.
Thank yo…
Part Number: AFE58JD18 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE58JD28 , AFE58JD48 , AFE5818 , AFE5828 Hi,
Let me ask you about the noise performance between AFE58JDxx family.
I am considering AFE58JD18/JD28/JD48.
According to the datasheet, these devices noise…
Part Number: AFE58JD18 Hello @all,
could someone please give me an advice how to create or get the ini-File for AFE58JD18?
Thank you very much.
Part Number: AFE58JD18 Hi, are you able to provide FTI rates at different temperatures?
Looking for 70C, 80C, and 90C junction temperatures.
Device: AFE58JD18ZBV.
Thanks in advance.
Part Number: AFE58JD18 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE58JD16 , PGA5807 , AFE58JD32 , ADS5294 , ADS52J65 , ADS52J91 Hi,
I have a differential ADC driver in my front-end. Can I connect the LNA of AFE58JD18 differentially, instead of the single-ended connection…
Part Number: AFE58JD18 Hi TI,
JESD interface problem: For the same amount of data, which one can save more power by increasing the number of LANEs and the line rate?
Part Number: AFE58JD18 HI TI,
Please help provide the thermal information of afe58jd18,for example:RθJB_Junction-to-board thermal resistance and RθJC(top) _Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance. Thanks!
Part Number: AFE58JD18 Hi
1. does this device support signals close to DC as input or do its filters block DC. if cannot support DC as input, what is the lowest frequency which can be input?
2. short explanation as to the CW mode of this device.
Sorry for the confusion.
If you have capture card (TSW1400/TSW14J50) then you open HSDC_PRO and look AFE58JD18 in dropdown .
In this case you dont have capture card . So I was asking to open the gui directly .
I have checked in the lab and I see AFE58JD18…