Hi Mr. Chen,
We tested this on our end, and using the following code to set TX1 NCO to 3800MHz, this worked for us:
Please try this on your end and see if it works for you.
Thanks! Aman
Hi Aman,
We had some question about how to config AFE7921. We config AFE7921 with some error and found that the RX is OK but the TX is not good, and I read my FPGA,the 204B is linked.
The error log is below
first piece ad7921Config start...
first 7921…
It seems like this is a duplicate question of this one here: https://e2e.ti.com/support/rf-microwave-group/rf-microwave/f/rf-microwave-forum/1415771/afe7921-some-question-about-latte-and-afe79xxevm_-gui-version .
Please refer to the above link.
Part Number: AFE7921 Tool/software: Hi,
We had some question about AFE7921.
Can AFE7921 have temperature sensor ?
Can I read AFE7921 temperature and how to read AFE7921 temperature.
Hi Mr. Chen,
I had replied to your question on the JESD204 inquiries. We can continue the JESD204 discussion in the E2E. I will close this issue for now
Part Number: AFE7921 Tool/software: HI,
We are using AFE79xxEVM_ GUIv1p10_ Installer on our board and we found the following problem, can provide AFE79xxEVM_ GUIv1p9_ Installer software for comparison?
1.If 204B is set to 48410, an error will be reported…
Part Number: AFE7921 Hi,
We had link AFE7921 to my FPGA,but we receive somany error codes.So we want to run PRBS to debug.
But we write register 0x4141 to 0xEB,and write register 0x4084 to 0xEE ,and then write register 0x4084 to 0xCE. There some question…
Hi Zhansheng,
I have an automated script that you can use to demo the AFE7921 and TSW14J58 EVMs together. This script will send a tone at 3510 MHz using the TXA channel, and will receive and display an FFT of this tone using the RXA channel. To visualize…