Part Number: AFE881H1 So far, after placing this component on our PCB, we are drawing 100 mA more than its current draw. Is this component usable when connected to I2C? When this component is placed on the board, all other components on the same line…
Part Number: AFE881H1 Hi Team,
we purchased AFE881H1EVM board.and we didn' find HART communication using SPI example codes to test the board.
we need supported example codes for establishing HART communication using SPI between system controller …
Part Number: AFE881H1 The new question is, how do I configure the TI Hart modem to communicate at 1200 baud on the UART?
Here are the steps that I am currently trying:
1. set the REG_MODE bit in register UBM to 1
2. set the HART_EN bit in register MODEM_CFG…
We didn't use J10 for any other purpose. Pin 30 of J10 was only used for the UARTIN on the AFE881H1. We used J9 and J12 mostly to observe the signals with the logic analyzer.
Joseph Wu
Part Number: TIDA-01504 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC8740H , AFE882H1 , AFE881H1 Hi Buddy,
This design guide includes HART i/f, could you please help share the HART DLL code to support the last protocol? thanks.
best regards,
Part Number: AFE881H1EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE881H1 Hi,
I am using AFE881h1 for HART Communication.
I wanted to use UBM mode but I have one doubt.
UBM uses the baud rate of 9600 any my HART device is using baud rate 1200. So is it recommended…
Part Number: AFE881H1EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE881H1 Python script is not getting opened in AFE881H1 EVM GUI and ending with an exceptional timed out error 5000.
Part Number: AFE881H1EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE881H1 , , AFE882H1 Hi Joseph,
we are facing problem with HART data transmission. I've given detailed description below.
Problem: Approximately every hundred HART frames, one byte shortly…
Part Number: AFE882H1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE881H1
Hi, I am trying to send data from my micro to HART modem device mentioned above. Steps performed are
Set the threshold value to 3 which means after 6 levels in the FIFO of data IRQ will get…
In the DAC8741H, when CD goes from ON to OFF, this does not generate an IRQ. In our newer device (the AFE881H1) the de-assert of CD does generate an IRQ.
Joseph Wu