Part Number: AWR1843AOPEVM Tool/software: Hello,
I just got an AWR1843AOPEVM recently and I was wondering if AWR1843AOPEVM alone can detect moving motorcycles on the road. If so, how do I get started?
Part Number: AWR1843AOPEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843 Tool/software: Hello,
We are currently working on a project that may require additional certifications. Is there a pre-existing DD1494 or JF-12 number for the AWR1843?
Thank you,
Part Number: AWR1843AOPEVM Tool/software: Hi TI,
We are working on DCA1000 for raw data collection. We collected the .bin file in the same scenario in two methods.
1. MMwave Studio :- Here we got a bin file name adc_data.bin which we were able…
Part Number: AWR1843AOPEVM Tool/software: Dear Sir,
I tested the automated_parking example using the AWR1843AOPEVM board. After downloading the prebuilt bin file, it works fine in Automated_Parking_GUI, but when I compile the ccs project with no error…
Part Number: AWR1843AOPEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843AOP , AWR1843BOOST Tool/software: Dear sir,
I 'm working with medium range radar using AWR1843AOP.
I saw rxGainPhaseParam_Init function in dss_main.c // AWR1843boost - medium range …
Hey Rashmika,
I apologize for not catching the distinction between mmWaveStudio and the DCA1000 CLI commands. While I would like to support you further, we recently released a DCA1000 FAQ in which we state that we will not support questions regarding configuring…
Hey Rashmika,
Thanks for letting me know that this resolved your issue. Please open up another thread if you have any other questions, as I will be closing out this post.
Part Number: AWR1843AOPEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR1843AOP Tool/software: Hi TI, We are working on AWR1843AOP EVM board with DCA1000 for raw data collection using DCA1000 CLI commands on ubuntu system. It is working fine with wine on intel…