Part Number: AWR1843BOOST Tool/software: Hi,
I'm using the AWR1843BOOST connected to the DCA1000. I'm using mmwavestudio and got it fully functional and was able to collect data. I now want to synch the radar data collection with a RealSense…
Part Number: AWR1843BOOST Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR2944 Tool/software: Hello Team,
I want to use the MRR_Beamsteering project available in TI's Resource Explorer. I imported the project from Resource Explorer to my workspace and, as per the…
Part Number: AWR1843BOOST Tool/software: I am using AWR1843BOOST, I want to perform people tracking, where the RADAR outputs tracks with ids, position and velocities. However, I don't find any demo related to same for the radar I am using. I followed…
Part Number: AWR1843BOOST Tool/software: Hi,
I intend to capture Time of Flight and Angle of Arrival of soil reflected waves and I'd like to know if there is a page in Resource Explorer or another s/w tool that depicts these data.
Best wishes, …
Part Number: AWR1843BOOST Tool/software:
Subject: Issues with Reconnecting to mmWave Demo Visualizer (Web) and Plotting Heat Maps
Message: Hello,
I am working with the AWR1843Boost module and using the mmWave Demo Visualizer. However, I…
hi, so sorry to bother you. I use AWR1843boost radar board and download the prebuilt bin file in the radar board by using mmwave Studio2.1.1.0.
I would like to know the radar profile files in the picture below , what mode does it use? What is the radar…
Part Number: AWR1843BOOST Tool/software: Hello,
I m using AWR1843boost for my project and flashes OUT_OF_BOX_DEMO which is available on resource explorer. Want to establish communication between AWR1843boost and ICM-20948 through I2C. According tho this…
Hi Ivan,
I suggest you to configure the phaseshifter and verify the phase shift by creating a unit test, instead of integrating in the application. Our systems team has tested and verified that the phase shift is configured correctly. Please check the…
Part Number: AWR1843BOOST Tool/software: IF I ENABLE DCAN ERR INTERRUPT BY dcanCfgParams -> errIntrEnable,
AND NOT CONNECT DCAN WIRE, DCAN will enter ERROR PASSIVE state, and it seems need to connect dcan then MAKE RADAR RESET.