Part Number: AWR2944 Tool/software: I have some questions about the AWR2944 radar sensor. I would like to adapt it for human rescue application. 1. Is it possible to configure the radar sensor frequency range from 76-81GHz to 300Mhz-3GHz ? In this range…
Part Number: AWR2944 Tool/software: Hello Officer,
I would like to conduct a CFD thermal analysis of the AWR2944. We have already performed a sample analysis. To proceed with this analysis, I need input data such as power dissipation, thermal resistances…
Hello Ken,
According to the SW team the max data rate of CANFD is 10Mbps but we have only validated up to 8Mbps, so we should consider the max rate as 8Mbps.
I think we should keep the datasheet as is and update the TRM to 8Mbps.
Part Number: AWR2944 Tool/software: Hi TI Expert,
For HPF (high pass filter) setting in AWR2944, can TI share the frequency response data of HPF for reference? We want to understand the gain suppression vs IF frequency for optimization setting.
Part Number: AWR2944 Tool/software: Hi Ti's experts,
I would like to check if I want to enable the advanced 2DFFT to calculate 64 by 16 input for 500 times, which the following calculation for the execution cycle is correct:
1. 501(B+1)*[64(initial…
Hi Jitendra,
We use GD25B64CSIG flash memory. We checked that this memory should be supported by awr2944.
To exclude the problem with flash memory, we decided to try using avr2944 firmware without flash memory.
We run the script: sudo python3 uart_bootloader…
Part Number: AWR2944 Tool/software:
According to AWR2944 EVM hardware design, we design our own board and AWR2944 EVM as belows:
By road test, we compare our board and AWR2944 EVM board. We find two main poblems for our custom board. one is more…
Hi Liu,
You can check the following example in the SDK -
Here, if you check this application, we are enabling the MCAN transceiver via PMIC…
Here is some further info on interference mitigation.
AWR2944 SDK has windowing based interference mitigation as part of rangeproc DDMA DPU.
MMWAVE-MCUPLUS-SDK Software development kit (SDK) |