Part Number: AWR6843 Tool/software: Hi
About the power-on sequence of AWR6843, do all external voltage rails need to obey the following figure completely, or just all external voltage rails are stable before reset is de-asserted ?
Part Number: AWR6843ISK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWR6843 , Tool/software: Dear E2E Team,
I am currently using the demo for the AWR6843 (SDK 3.6, debug mode) to visualize the range profile. As shown in the attached screenshots, changes in the frequency…
Part Number: AWR6843 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843 , Tool/software: Hi, I have some questions for layout of AWR/IWR6843.
How to layout and routing for breakout?
What's the recommend impedance(or line witdh) for single 50 ohm and diff. 100…
Part Number: AWR6843 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH , Tool/software: Because I am working on building automation recently, I need to find out some commands that I need, the version that I am using is uniflash v8.7.0, even though I had found out…
Part Number: AWR6843 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: Hello,
I'm trying to download the appImage on the backup meta image address instead of Meta Image offset address. During this process it will successfully erase the partition…
Part Number: AWR6843 Tool/software: Hello all,
I am trying to reduce the heat generated by the AWR6843, which was developed by us. We observe very high temperatures on the AWR6843. How can we reduce this heat? Additionally, I am curious about which programs…
Part Number: AWR6843 Tool/software: Hi,all
Currently I wanted to use SBL to flash. And I followed this thread to adjust setting.
The total bytes in binary…
Part Number: AWR6843 Tool/software: I am using the AWR6843. I would like to configure the register 'testpatternvldcfg' to create an LVDS test pattern. Could you please tell me how to set it up?