Part Number: AWRL1432BOOST Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi Expert.
Our customer couldn't find the gesture_recognition_demo.Debug.appimage and gesture_recognition_demo.Release.appimage for evaluating KTO.
Could you advice…
Part Number: AWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi team,
I want to check the structure when GPIO is set to output status. It's Push-pull structure or leakage structure? Customer says this will affect their external circuit design.
Part Number: AWRL1432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi engineers,
I want to ask if there are any ways to improve the cold start time(From the first power-on to the time it outputs target information) of the IWRL1432? Our demo…
Part Number: AWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi,
In the demo Level_Sensing , the parameter rangeStep (range step (meters/bin)) is about 7cm acoording to the following foemula:
Part Number: AWRL1432BOOST-BSD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi! Team TI!
I am using this board,
I am currently digging into the code of the AWRL1432 BOOST BSD. In this board, I tried to dump…
Part Number: AWRL1432 Tool/software: Hello! This is not a strictly AWRL1432 post.
I'm on a team of students working on a product for semi-truck safety. The student largely covering engineering responsibilities is quite busy both academically and personally…
Part Number: AWRL1432 Tool/software: Hi experts,
The TRM of xWRLx432 has not specified the VIM and NVIC register information. I can see the related code of NVIC register in SDK and MCAL head files, but it's hard to understand and use this register. Could you please have a specification f…
Part Number: AWRL1432BOOST-BSD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH , AWRL1432BOOST Tool/software: Hi! Ti Team! I had using the product AWRL1432Boost-BSD for a while and tried to figure out the function in the code. Then I start to build the code and…
Part Number: AWRL1432 Tool/software: Dear Owner,
I am currently working with your hardware and software ecosystem and would like guidance on dynamically adjusting the baud rate when switching between CAN FD and non-CAN FD modes.
We are conducting tests…