Part Number: AWRL6432 Tool/software: Hello TI experts,
I am now checking capon2D demo in radar toolbox(AWRL6432_Life_Presence_Detection_Demo_Capon2D)
Capon2D uses minor mode. How about major mode? it should be set only minor mode?
I'm trying to change…
Hi Kim,
Please find the below 1V_RF_OUT rail plot, measured on TIDEP-01037 with motion and presence demo running on the AWRL6432.
Best Regards, Deexith.
Part Number: AWRL6432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AWRL6844 Tool/software: Hi team,
This is Lina covering radar in Korea.
My customer has a problem about "Error: Factory Calibration Failure"
When they downloading the same code to samples…
Part Number: AWRL6432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , MMWAVE-L-SDK Tool/software: Continuing the discussion at,
I'm currently using…
Part Number: AWRL6432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: STRIKE
Hi, All.
We use 3.3V I/O level, and the device's I/O absolute maximum rating(voltage) is too low, so it is difficult to choose TVS diode for UART lines.
Is there recommended…
Hi, Deexith,
Thanks for your quick & kind reply.
(About image, the image is from TI documentation. thanks again your detail review)
I don't understand exactly about your first mention.
AWRL6432 EVK and DCA1000 are connected RS232 interface…
Part Number: AWRL6432 Tool/software: Hi,
In AWRL6432 datasheet, there is recommend operating conditions for power, customer ask if the power range include load transient, take 1.8v supply as example, the recommend is 1.71~1.89v, does it consider load transient…