Part Number: BQ20Z45-R1 Tool/software: Hello,
we have one board and we would like to read the dataflash from the device.
We can see the SBS data, but not able to read the data flash.
Adding screenshot for your ref.
requesting to please help.
1. how…
Part Number: BQ20Z45-R1 Hi, Please let me confirm about bq20z45-r1. Is the following understanding correct? If we create the gg file as described in SLUA903, the value of UpdateStatus will be 0x02. <- "Before saving the Golden File, set Update Status to 02…
Part Number: BQ20Z45-R1 Hi, Please let me confirm about bq20z45-r1. Does cell balancing become inactive after it becomes active? If cell balancing becomes inactive after it becomes active, what are the conditions in that case?
After UpdateStatus becomes…
Part Number: BQ20Z45-R1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ40Z50 HI
Please help.
I'm having trouble estimating the capacity of the battery pack by chip.
Given the values of 5200 mAh, the bq20z45 chip recognizes only half of this value after learning…
Hi Kob, Min Cell Deviation defines the balance time per mAh. The TRM should explain all about this parameter. Correct, when balancing is active, internal bypass FET is ON at the active cell.
kob said: Where can I look at the reference to see that the bypass…
Part Number: BQ20Z45-R1 HI
I'm trying to go through a package training cycle.
After turning on the QEN and going through the discharge and charge cycle,
the Update status has set to 06 and does not want to go to the 0E state.
The discharge was done…
Part Number: BQ20Z45-R1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQEVSW , BQ40Z50 , GPCRB , BQSTUDIO I have a battery pack that uses a bq20z45-r1 that jumps zero SOC when the temperature drops to 0C or lower.
I did not have anything to do with the design of this…
Part Number: BQ20Z45-R1 I changed the default Unseal Key ( write block [60] to change seal key) :
and Seal device (0020)
what command should I enter to unseal the device ?
Thanks Shirish.
That would be an acceptable workaround but not a solution.
I can mark the issue as resolved as I have managed to get hold of the / bqEVSWSetup00.09.59_bq20z45v1.04d installer.
Part Number: BQ20Z45-R1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQEVSW , , EV2400 I have an EV2400 that I'm using to communicate with a bq20z45-R1. I'm using the bqEVSW 00.09.64 but I get the message:
"No USB board was detected! Please close this application…