Part Number: BQ24008 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24002 I want to ask a question to you about BQ24008 IC. I want to use Stat1 and Stat2 as led indicator . More specific I want to use like that -Stat1 is a sign for power has or power has not. If power…
Hi again
Im still using R4 as 10k but changed R5 with 10.97k (10.5 + 0.47k). I wrote it. And Im measuring with multimeter APG/THM as 1.491V. I think its not close enough to become a problem. Accually its pretty good value.
Multimeter Measuring Results
Part Number: BQ24008 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24083 , BQ24105 , BQ21040 , BQ24088 , BQ24040 When timer is enabled, the charging is supposed to stop after the timer is running out. It also does so. According to the flow diagram in the data sheet…
Part Number: BQ24008 With reference to my old thread: BQ24008: Sudden change of state and current increase after hours of charging
After 2 days of slow charging (100mA), once again the chip got overheated and damaged at the very same second as I tried…
Part Number: BQ24008
In a new design based on the diagram from the data sheet, we see the BQ24008 to either become damaged or to go into a locked and power consuming state.
The problems occur after some hours of charging at 100mA. When R51, the serial…