Part Number: BQ24070 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24075 Hi all,
My customer considers to use BQ24070 for his end product and provided a question.
Is it ok to apply 3~4.2V when VIN=0V?
(Does the device stay sleep mode since VIN=0V and…
Part Number: BQ24070 Hi team,
My customer considers to use BQ24070 and he is asking about STAT pins.
What is status of STAT1/STAT2 when the device is standby mode?
Table1 in the datasheet states "Charge suspend (temperature), timer fault, and sleep mode…
Part Number: BQ24070 I use datasheet to explain the following problems in Bq24070 design:
1、mode设置为H时,充电电流ISET1设置为1A,out空载,IN 用usb输入(500mA),仍然可以对电池进行充电么?此时充电电流应该是500mA?
1. When the mode is set to h, the charging current iset1 is set to 1a, out no-load…
Hi Anthony,
I test it and it work, but this is not the best solution.
I test the circuit with IRLML2502 and AO3400A. they need at less 1V on GS, so out put voltage drop to 3.4V while bq24070 out put voltage is 4.4V.
So This did NOT resolve my issue .
Part Number: BQ24070 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25155 , BQ25601 , TPS7A25 , BQ25606 Hello,
in our current design we are using BQ24070 which has preset system output 4.4v. In the updated system we need to have 3.8v output. Could you recommend me…
Hello, this sounds reasonable. But is it normal when BQ24070 loosing "Charge done" detection capability if it have no any payload and V_DPPM is set to more than 3.71V ? I powering my setup from the 5V 5A lab power supply, set a 0.6A battery charge current…
Part Number: BQ24070Bq24070, the charging current I set is 900mA, please refer to the circuit diagram, but the actual circuit reaches 2A charging current in the charging state, STAT1 stat2 is displayed in the fast charging state, R45 = 1.2k Ω is used…
Part Number: BQ24070 Hi team
Could u please make some comments on what are the advantages of linear charger and switching charger separately. And then we can have some standard to choose which charger for our project?
Part Number: BQ24070 We have integrated the BQ24070 in our design following the datasheet according to the application note of section 9.2, and using the reference layout of section 11.2.
Although our board powers on, charges our Li-ion batteries and…