Part Number: BQ24295 Tool/software: Hi,
The Input Voltage Limit by default is 4.76V. We want to set it to lower value.
We did configured the regigster REG00 to 07h, but the value back to 58h after power cycle the board.
How can we save the configurations…
Hi Amit,
I have double verified on multiple BQ24295EVM boards that current draw from BQ24295 when only the battery is connected is within the datasheet specification shown above.
To share exact results I observe 33.4uA current draw from IC with VBAT …
Hi Emmanuel
The BQ24295 does not look like a good fit for your application. This is a very low charge current for this device. We have newer devices that would probably be a better fit for your application.
Can you change devices at this point?
Can you…
Part Number: BQ24295 Tool/software: Hi,
The battery NTC is connected to the TS pin.
We want to add a buffer and use an ADC to ready the temperature from TS pin as well.
We found the REGEN (Pin 22) is not alway present. It is off when the battery provides…
Part Number: BQ24295 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS3USB221A Tool/software: Hi
To reduce the cost, we plan to connect the charger USB interface, microprocessor USB interface and USB port together without using any USB multiplexer. Will the charger…
Part Number: BQ24295 Tool/software: According to document: What does this mean? 1. If the device is unknown, the input current limit is 500mA? 2. If the device is unknown, the input current is limited according to REG0[2:0] (e.q. 1024mA)?
Hi Emmanuel,
Please see my comments on your questions below.
Emmanuel RAVON said: Does REG01[4] CHG_CONFIG is modified internally at this time ? I had a doubt, but it seems that this bit remains to 1, and I had to set to 0 then to 1
Part Number: BQ24295 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25620 , BQ25898D , BQ25629 , BQ25890 , BQ25611D Tool/software: Hi Team,
I am looking for ICs that has the following features:
charge a Li-Ion battery
includes a system power supply that can be enabled…
Part Number: BQ24295 Tool/software: Dear e2e support,
Considering a charge current at 102.4mA (512mA * 20%), we consequently have a termination current higher than the charge current (128mA).
Could you clarify what are the risks to not disable manually…