Part Number: BQ24298 Hello.
Can you please let me know. If BQ24298 plug in USB then USB provide power. In disable charging Q4 is off or not? Q4 is only turned on when Charging? Thanks for kindly help~
Part Number: BQ24298 Hello.
Our question is in the case where the battery is not connected. when I change REG00 to any value then Vsys will drop suddenly in a after few minutes.
If no change REG00. Vsys will not have drop issue. Our EVM are same situation…
Part Number: BQ24298 The problem about BQ24298
The default value of V_SYS_MIN is 3.5V
When I use the battery as the power source only.The level of battery will always decrease,and the V_SYS_MIN will be less than 3.5V.Not staying 3.5V I wonder why V_SYS_MIN…
Part Number: BQ24298 Hello.
Do you know the US e-CFR regulation? Is there any way to go through this regulation? Or can we ignore the regulations of the Scanner product used by the charger solution BQ24298?
Another currently used BQ24298 and Scanner product…
Part Number: BQ24298 I'm working on a custom board with PMIC BQ24298.
The schematic is based on the "typical application" reference design presented in SLUSC59 (p.37) and SLUUB62A (p.16). The Input is set to Adaptor (PSEL set to Low).
Part Number: BQ24298 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25601 I consider using BQ24298 or BQ25601 in my design, but I am not sure I can use BQ24298 even there is no USB interface. Could you clarify it?
Best wishes,
Part Number: BQ24297 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24298 This thread is continuation of the previous thread…
Dear Joel
My input source is 5v/ 3A , but reference your datasheet, host can weite to REG00[2:0] to change the input current limit, Im quite confuse as a lot condition overthere.
if I disconnect I2C from host and keep SCL/SDA floating, is able to run…
Part Number: BQ24298 Hi,
With battery unplugged, and TS voltage input adjusted to be within range (2.5 V), STAT pin presents 1 Hz signal and REG 9 bit 0 (NTC_FAULT[0]) depicts value 1. REGN pin voltage is 5 V, input voltage is 5 V and VSYS is 3.7 V.…