Part Number: BQ40Z60 Tool/software: Hello,
We have long used a BQ40Z60 in our PCBs for charging a 4S4P battery system. This question is in reference to the charge cycle from constant current (CC) to constant voltage (CV) transition and eventually the…
Hi Svenn,
Svenn said: So if I understand correctly, I'm supposed to use the Term Voltage (in Gas Gauging, IT Cfg) to make the BQ40Z60 stop the discharge, instead of the CUV voltage? If so, how do I set this up correctly? Which registers am I supposed to…
Hello Joep,
As my colleague state, there is no work around for the VFB. Only other suggestion we can offer is to use a 0.01% tolerance resistor.
As Jose brought up, it is difficult to get a true idea of what is going on within the gauge during this time without a log file depicting what is going on post shutdown commands being sent that could be causing the discharge. Please allow us to…
Part Number: BQ40Z60 Tool/software: I am using the BQ40Z60 chip and 2 pieces of 18650 batteries in my system. When the batteries are removed while charging, I can detect the removal from the cell voltage. However, when they are removed while not charging…
Dear TI Team,
I hope you are well.
I wanted to follow up on my previous post on the 8 of august regarding the challenges we are facing with programming the BQ40Z50 and BQ40Z60 chips. As we have not yet received a response, I wanted to ensure that my message…
Part Number: BQ40Z60 Tool/software: Hi TI team,
do you have a document that show what's the difference between All DF Checksum, Static Chem DF Checksum,Static DF Checksum?
also the different between srec and dfi file?
Part Number: BQ40Z60 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO Tool/software: While programming the BQ40Z60 an error keep occuring "An internal error occurred during: "DashBoard". See image
This error keeps popping up and I cannot get…
Part Number: BQ40Z60 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO I have the development board and my first battery management board. I based my design off the development board but removed the fuse, TS 1 to 4, and LED outputs.
I made the mistake of not…
Part Number: BQ40Z60 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ34Z100 , Hello guys,
can I ask you, is it possible to modify schematic or program device to accept higher capacity of cells? Now we would need 100Ah, but it would be nice to have up to 200Ah.