Part Number: BQ51050B Tool/software: Regarding BQ51050BRHL:
Two days ago we have ordered 171 pcs. It was the last in stock.
We like to order 500 pcs more for fastest possible delivery.
Please inform when we you are able to delivery?
How to place the order…
Part Number: BQ51050B Tool/software: Hi,
I am working on a IoT device that contains Qi wireless charging. I saw that TI offers controllers that even include a battery charger.
However, in my application I want to send 48bits of data from the receiver to…
Part Number: BQ51050B Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ51013C , Tool/software: Hi all,
I am looking for the next model of this product.
1) Is there a next model of this product?
And will I get sufficient support when I use this device?
The required specifications…
Hi Sufian
Sufian Rafaqut said: 1) Do you mean C13 and C25?
Yes - C13 and C25 -- Sorry about that, they are the CLAMP capacitors not BOOT.
Also the BQ51050 will not regulate current well at low current. TERM is set to 8.3% (4k ohm) due to accuracy suggest…
Hi Bill,
Bill Johns said: How small a coil are you looking for?
A thickness of at least 20mm is required. The thickness also needs to be kept as small as possible, so this also needs to be taken into consideration.
Part Number: BQ51050B Tool/software: Hello Team,
We have an RFQ from a European Customer for a Car Wireless Charging solution (Automotive). Apparently, We're looking forward to build a POC for the Wireless charging solution with a charging rate of 45…
Part Number: BQ51050B
I’m hoping that someone could shine some light on the issue I’m having. I have a product that has the BQ51050B Chip in I have pulled up the CHG pin through a 100K resistor to BAT and interfaces this through…
Part Number: BQ51050B Tool/software: Hello. - Hello. I am evaluating BQ51050B with bq51050BEVM-764.
I have gradually increased the temperature from 10°C to 20°C, and the bq51050BEVM-764 does not start charging. When the charger is turned OFF and…
Part Number: BQ51050B Tool/software:
I purchased the bq51050BEVM-764.
And I charged a lithium battery with Qi-compliant charging stand from AMAZON.
The settings for the bq51050BEVM-764 are as follows.
1. Charging current: JP6 FIX, 1000mA