Part Number: BQ77216 Tool/software:
1. While testing bq77216 we have observed the following condition for OT error ( Multiple test) :
a) Both COUT and DOUT goes high ( 7.23V) when resistance drops below 1525R b) Both COUT and DOUT goes low when resistance…
Part Number: BQ77216 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ76952 Tool/software: Hi E2E,
When pairing with the BQ76952, could you please provide the recommended resistance values for the six highlighted FETs?
Part Number: BQ77216 Tool/software: Dear TI engineer:
We used BQ77216 , the TS pin we do not used and keep not connect this pin.
( In specification Ver2022 , if not used TS pin shoud connect 10K resistor to Vss).
( in specification Ver2023 , if not…
Part Number: BQ77216 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ77307 , BQ76952 Tool/software: Hello,
I am using the BQ7721611 component.
It has specific UV and OV limits.
Do you have this type of IC with at least 15 cells that i can control the UV and OV limits…
Part Number: BQ77216 Tool/software: The power protection FETs I used were N-FETs. They are hooked up with common Drain. These have a built-in protection zener from the Source to the Gate, so I did not add one.
The problem is the first FET Q1 does not…
Part Number: BQ77216 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ76952 , Tool/software: Hi TI Team,
I have a question about usage BQ77216 with BQ76952.
When I look the datasheet of BQ77216, at figure 9-4. It shows the usage them together.
Its clearly seen that…
Part Number: BQ77216 Hi Team,
My customer use BQ7721609 in their system, and we noticed the OTC is 83℃, Could customer series a resistor with Rntc to achieve 100℃ OTC? If any risk here? And for the Rntc selection, do we have some special requirement for…
Part Number: BQ77216 Tool/software: Hi team,
My customer (Sinoev) would like to use BQ77216, and there are some queations would like to confirm with you.
1. What is the output voltage of COUT and DOUT of the BQ7721611 chip? What is the load capacity…