Part Number: BQPRODUCTION Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ40Z50-R2 , , BQ40Z50 , BQSTUDIO I use BQ40Z50-R2 and now I test bqProduction SBB with HPA495.
I connected bq40z50 EV board and EV2300 and 5V & 24V adapter.
After Configure VTI set, I clicked…
Part Number: EV2400 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQPRODUCTION , Hello,
I have a customer who has in the bast used BQProduction and an EV2300 to program their gauge. The EV2300 is now out of stock and obsolete.
They have an EV2400 but can't seem to get…
Part Number: BQ40Z50-R2 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQPRODUCTION , , BQSTUDIO I checked bqproduction for our mass production.
I want to use bqproduction software for bq40z50-R2.
But "Select Device bqz Container" don't have bq40z50-R2.…
Hi Batt, thanks for you answer.
Let me be clear, I do not have a bqMTester and I do not want to use a bqMTester. I only want to use the EV2300 or EV2400 together with bqProduction.
I have tried checking the box "Use for Test" but the "Start test" button…
Part Number: BQ40Z80 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQPRODUCTION , Hi
Our Customer using BQ40Z50R2 with bqProduction at factory production.
Now we thinking 7cell Battery Pack solution with BQ40Z80 .
We have very simple question .
Can we use bqProduction…
Part Number: BQ78350-R1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO , BQPRODUCTION Hi,
I will produce batteries with BQ78350-R1.
I was planning to program all batteries with BqStudio, Firmware section, Program with my golden srec file.
But I saw that there…
Part Number: ADVANCED-BQMTESTER Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQPRODUCTION Hello,
My customer is setting a testing environment with the following signal chain: Windows 10 PC (running BqProduction) --> EV2300 --> ADVANCED-BQMTESTER
When they press…
Part Number: BQ40Z50 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQPRODUCTION Hi,
I used HPA495 and bqproduction software for bq40z50.
Currently, I used for 4S battery pack. It is good for 4S application.
But I wonder how to use for 2S battery pack?
I don't have…
Part Number: BQPRODUCTION Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQMTESTER , EV2400 , BQ34Z100-G1 Hi
Thank you very much many help us.
I have one question for BQPRODUCTION .
We thinking use BQPRODUCTION for mass production with BQ40Z50R2.
Yes , we know EV2300…
Part Number: BQ40Z50 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO , BQPRODUCTION In reply to Matt Sunna :
Thank you very much Matt!
It is very helpful for me.
But I have 1 question more.
Now I will use bqProduction for mass production.
And I will use Goden file…