Part Number: BQSTUDIO Tool/software: Hello,
I updated my chemisty ID list with the zip file online found at GASGAUGECHEM-SW Design tool |
GASGAUGECHEM-SW — Gas gauge chemistry updater
After doing the update my chemistry ID table is now blank…
Part Number: BQSTUDIO Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ78Z100 , EV2400 Tool/software: HI.Teams:
We are checking the battery status using BQ78Z100 with BQSTUDIO through the EV2400's I2C interface.
The versions of the tools we are using are shown…
Part Number: BQSTUDIO Tool/software: I downloaded bqstudio from TI web, it can't work on my laptop. the laptop will pop out the message below when I click bqstudio icon.
I tried to de-installed and install serveral times but still can't fix it problem…
Well the 'lack of currrent' didn't explain why negative, -1000mA didn't work, but 1000mA did. We will also test with the OTP guide as well and see which one proves more stable. But so far I got it working via BQStudio so far as well. I improved…
Part Number: BQSTUDIO Tool/software: Is it possible to download older version of bqSBB for BQSTUDIO-TEST ?
Looking to download version 1.3.78 and 1.3.61
Part Number: BQ27421EVM-G1A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO Tool/software: Hello
When I use the bqstudio learning cycle function will stuck at start, what happen?
Part Number: BQ25820EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EV2400 , BQSTUDIO Tool/software: Hi,
I am using the BQ25820EVM to charge a battery. I use the EV2400 to connect the evaluation board to my computer via the I2C port (PORT2). I was able to perform…
Part Number: BQ27421EVM-G1A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO , , BQ27421-G1 , EV2400 Tool/software: Hello:
I have some problem when I use the EV2400 connect to BQ27421EVM-G1A the bqstudio can't recognize my EVB device, I am already check I connect…