Part Number: BQSTUDIO Tool/software: Hello,
I updated my chemisty ID list with the zip file online found at GASGAUGECHEM-SW Design tool |
GASGAUGECHEM-SW — Gas gauge chemistry updater
After doing the update my chemistry ID table is now blank…
Part Number: BQSTUDIO Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ78Z100 , EV2400 Tool/software: HI.Teams:
We are checking the battery status using BQ78Z100 with BQSTUDIO through the EV2400's I2C interface.
The versions of the tools we are using are shown…
Part Number: BQSTUDIO Tool/software: I downloaded bqstudio from TI web, it can't work on my laptop. the laptop will pop out the message below when I click bqstudio icon.
I tried to de-installed and install serveral times but still can't fix it problem…
Hello AhtoM, As stated in the EVM User Guide, the EVM uses a 1mOhm sense resistor and calibration at low current will result in some granularity from the current resolution. This may result in an apparent error at higher currents. Calibration at higher…
Part Number: BQSTUDIO Tool/software: Is it possible to download older version of bqSBB for BQSTUDIO-TEST ?
Looking to download version 1.3.78 and 1.3.61
Part Number: BQ27421EVM-G1A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO Tool/software: Hello
When I use the bqstudio learning cycle function will stuck at start, what happen?
Part Number: BQ25820EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EV2400 , BQSTUDIO Tool/software: Hi,
I am using the BQ25820EVM to charge a battery. I use the EV2400 to connect the evaluation board to my computer via the I2C port (PORT2). I was able to perform…
Part Number: BQ27421EVM-G1A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO , , BQ27421-G1 , EV2400 Tool/software: Hello:
I have some problem when I use the EV2400 connect to BQ27421EVM-G1A the bqstudio can't recognize my EVB device, I am already check I connect…