Part Number: BQ78PL116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD Tool/software: Hello,
We are working with the BQ78PL116 IC.
There is need to purchase USB to GPIO communication adapter for our production.line.
This part can not be found so we bought…
Part Number: BQ78PL116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD , , BQSTUDIO , GASGAUGECHEM-SW , BQEVSW
Currently l have loaded newer top level chemistry nodes, 2481 and 2986, into bqWizard ChemistryUpdater. I updated both cell descriptions and the…
Part Number: BQ78PL116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ40Z50 We just reproduced a BMS board with bq78PL116. And the board is an old design with 2P4S cells. The hardware detected and reported cell numbers correctly only for once. But now we can not detect…
Part Number: BQ78PL116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD , Hi TI Engineer,
Good day.
I have facing high reject on battery disconnection issue, when those rejected battery pack connect to the bqWizard, it prompt a message 0 cells found.
May I know…
Part Number: BQ78PL116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD , Tool/software: Dear e2e Support,
Could you provide the .chem file for the cell JGNE 1800mAh (n°4162)?
Part Number: BQ78PL116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD , We have an existing product that uses the bq78PL116. Can you supply a link to bqWizard? Many thanks,g
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD I tried download the bqWizard software, but i can't do it becouse not avable link for downloading on the page.
May be anybody help me?
Part Number: USB2GPIO-LOADER-SW Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ78PL114 , BQWIZARD Hi Team,
customer needs to program bq78PL114 with BQWIZARD. For this, USB2GPIO is needed.
However related firmware loader cannot be fount on anymore.
Can you please…
Part Number: BQ78PL116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD , Hi,
I would like to know what is the command that I need to send in order to write the serial number and manufacturer date into bq78pl116 without using bqwizard?