Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ78PL116 , BQWIZARD Hello,
I am using a bq78pl116 with a bq78pl102 to manage a LiPo 6S battery pack.
Recently I keep encountering the following problem. From time to time, the bq fails to respond to some I2C commands.
Part Number: BQ78PL116 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD , Hi!
I'm trying to BQ78PL116 with INR18650-25R cells which chem ID 2068, but BQWizard doesn't have this chem file.
Where can I get 2068 Chemistry ID file?
Hello Markus,
The installation should've had all the .chem files with it, you shouldn't need to download them separately. You should be able to switch between the existing chem IDs in the BQWizard GUI.
Wyatt Keller
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ78PL116 , BQWIZARD I want the AME11865 (2000mAh) to update in the bq78pl116. In the chemistry selection table, the AME11865 is the 0206 chemical ID but in the bq wizard, the AME11865 is not include. Can I the 0206.chem…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD We have on different PC’s the ‘device is sealed’ fault in the bqWizard. Because this fault happens on many PC’s it looks like a bug in the bqWizard software.
The problem does not occur on…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD , BQ78PL116 Hello,
does the bqWizard check for arbitration-loss while comunicating with a bq78pl116 over the SM-bus?
I'm using a bq78pl116 in a Battery-System with an additional uC connected to the SMBus. The uC…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD Hi, everybody.
I have problem with connection of a board on 78PL116 gauge with bqWizard (by USB-TO-GPIO adapter) on my notebook running on Windows XP SP3.
On other PC's this board communicate successfully with…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ27200 , BQWIZARD , BQ27210 , BQ27010 Hi,
One question is that can bq27200 be used together with bqEasy, and bqWizard software? And does the concept of golden image apply to bq27200?
bq27200, bqEasy, bqWizard
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQWIZARD I've been trying to use bqWizard to communicate with a bq78PL116EVM. In the documentation I'm looking at (SLU474.pdf), the bqWizard home screen looks different than what I'm seeing.
On my screen, I…