Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1350 I'm using a Texas Instruments CC1350F128 board.
I was trying to flash the latest firmware onto a custom board and ran into the following issue, after clicking load image,
[2/12/2024, 9:41:29 PM] [ERROR] IcePick_C: Error…
Part Number: CC1350 thank you for reading my question
i was testing the functionality of the onchip OAD with cc1350, and in the first OAD update, the client board ran the updated firmware normally. However, when I tried to update the OAD a second time…
Part Number: CC1350 Hello, thank you for viewing my question.
i am implementing a fire detection system with firmware update (ota) enabled.
i am trying to implement oad using RF(447Mhz) - not BLE
before registering this question, I implemented it according…
Part Number: CC1350STK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350 I've imported the CC1350 SensorTag example project 'i2ctmp' with the CCS Complier from the Resource Explorer into my workspace in CCS and the program gets stuck in the 'Could not…
Part Number: CC1350 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: WMBUS
Hello, We are in the process of developing a smart meter that will feature dual communication capabilities supporting both Wireless M-Bus (wMbus) and LoRaWAN. Our aim is to use a single chip for…
Part Number: CC1350 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1310 , WMBUS Hi,
CC1310 / CC1350.
Where can I see the protocols for the OMS application layer, such as smoke and fog alarms and gas meter related application layers?
Part Number: CC1350 hello. thank you for reading my question.
i was practicing implementing EASYLINK OAD with cc1350-433.
while following…
As for this purpose you are trying to investigate the low range you are observing, are you able to use SmartRF Studio 7 to control the boards? It removes a lot of the potential variables and is the recommended tool for evaluating the PHY settings (and…