Part Number: CC1350STK Tool/software: Code Composer Studio A funny one... Having updated CCS, we're now stepping through SDKs for relevant devices to get current...
Regular approach has been to delete (sample) projects from workspace - used as demos…
Part Number: CC1350STK Tool/software: Code Composer Studio I am currently practicing with simple_peripheral examples. Is there a way to stop the whole task and BLE connection based on input, for example, if the input of characteristics 3 is 1, can I turn…
Part Number: CC1350STK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350
Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
Hi, I am using CC1350 Launchpad powered through XDS110(type AB micro cable). I have loaded the pinStandby Simple Link CC13x0 SDK example code. I am measuring…
Part Number: CC1350STK I recently started to use the SensorTags and run into a couple of problems.
Thanks to the kind support of this forum, most problems are now solved and I have tried to resume the discussions in two small tutorials:
- CC2650STK
Part Number: CC1350STK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350 , CC2650STK Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi
CCS 9.1, Linux 18 Mint concerns 1350STK Sensor Tag and 2650STK Sensor Tag.
In the target config of the empty_min_CC1350STK_TI project , the…
Part Number: CC1350STK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350 , LAUNCHXL-CC1350 Hello,
i have a problem with my Sensortag CC1350STK after flash a new Firmware.
First time I flash the Node FW V1.05 via Sensortag Android App sucessful. After flashing a…
Part Number: CC1350STK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350 , UNIFLASH , Dear Experts Team,
When i am trying to convert the CC1350 device from a BLE device into sub-1GHz device in the initial step of pre-work.
""Rev 1.4.5 of the CC1350 SensorTag contains…
Part Number: CC1350STK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Dear TI Team,
May i know how to recover the CC1350 Sensor tag when the Erase Entire Flash Button was pressed as below?
Part Number: CC1350STK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350 , Hello Sir,
I have One CC1350STK And Two CC1350 Launchpad I am trying to Create Sub1 GHZ Network
1) First I have Update new firmware like you told in PPT.
2) And then I am trying to Downloading…