Part Number: CC2520-CC2591EM_RD In reference design, it looks like that there is a shield box on RF transceiver CC2520 (page 15 of CC2520-CC2591EM_Schematic.pdf). Can you please share it's part number if that is a shield box?
Part Number: CC2520-CC2591EM_RD What is the PCB tool in which, the "CC2520-CC2591EM.pcb" was designed? Which tool can be used to open/view the same for reference ? I tried to view the same using Pads Layout Viewer VX.2.1 but was not possible…
Please tell me what program opens this file format, with PCB trace? The files are here - you can download it here The first format PCB than open? And CPA CSA than open formats…
Please tell me what program opens this file format, with PCB trace? The files are here - you can download it here The first format PCB than open? And CPA CSA than open formats…
Hello! I Need Help, Please tell me what program opens this file format, with PCB trace? The files are here - you can download it here The first format PCB than open? And CPA…
Use the CC2520-CC2591EM as a starting point for your design ( )
There is no reference design for the CC2511-CC2591EM
1) From what I could find out the optimal load impedance seen from the RF_P/RF_N pins are fairly equal on CC2500 and CC2520. Therefore the CC2520+CC2591 ( ref design is a good starting point. The network shown…
Hi Sai,
There is no published reference design for the CC2500 CC2591. You can use the CC2520-CC2591EM reference design as a starting point and work from there.