Part Number: CC2530 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIMAC , Tool/software: I use the TIMAC.
When the power is turned on, a voltage of 2V is output for 50ms from the pin set to digital output.
So there is a problem that the relay connected to the output…
Part Number: CC2530 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIMAC
I'd like to use the IIC SSD1306 LCD on CC2530.
It's very easy on Arduino, but I have no idea how to use it on cc2530.
I am already using cc2530 IIC with TiMAC. How can…
Part Number: CC2420 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2530 Tool/software: Hi
We have line of products in production using legacy CC2420 and CC2530.
We need to do system level radio and EMC regulation and certification test (again).
For this task we…
Part Number: CC2530 Tool/software: Dear sir,
In CC2530 development, is there a dedicated connector needed to put on the PCBA to mate with the SmartRF_Programmer which is used to program & debug CC2530?
Could you let me know the part number?
Part Number: CC2530 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2340R5 Tool/software: Dear sir,
Could you advise me why the receiver sensitivity is requested by -85dBm per note [1]? I cannot see the relationship between receiver sensitivity and note 1.
Note [1…
Part Number: CC2530 Tool/software: Dear sir,
Could you let me know the Crystal oscillator pin capacitance(Pin 22&23 and pin 32&33) of CC2530?
The CC2530 EVM board uses load capacitance of 12.5pF for 32.768KHz and the external capacitor connected…
Part Number: CC2530 Tool/software: Hello,
I am using CC2530F256. In the datasheet, I find the frequency tolerance of 32.768KHz crystal oscillator is so tight. I can not find a crystal oscillator which can meet +/-40ppm over temperature (-40~85degC).
Part Number: CC2530 Tool/software: Dear sir,
Could you advise me the input resistance and sample and hold capacitance of the ADC in CC2530?
Part Number: CC2530-CC2592EM-RD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2591 , CC2530 , CC2592 , Z-STACK Tool/software: Hi team,
We originally used the CC2530+CC2591 development board we bought, which can be used for networking and communication. In the new version…
Part Number: CC2530 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK Tool/software: I would like to make a zigbee end device with CC2530 with ZNP interface, but I can't find any example.
I find:…