Are you implying the 1 BCLK delay for channel 1 may also not be needed?
I can confirm the documentation regarding Channel 2 does not appear to be accurate. Setting the CC2564MODN as master to a 16-bit, 16BCLK per channel config with a clock rate of 1024kHz…
Part Number: CC2564MODN Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2564 Hi there,
I am using CC2564MODN and STM32F407 DISCOVERY KIT to implement an wireless MP3 demo. The SDK is CC2564CSTBTBLESW-v4.2.1.1,and it's running successful with A3DPDemo_SNK example code…
Part Number: CC2564MODN In 8DPSK and DQPSK modes of operation the module is sending some wrong values and the bandwidth is going out of range(around 38MHz). For FCC testing this is a failure case. please help me on this issue.The command used for changing…
Part Number: CC2564MODN Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2564 Hi,
We have a CC256MODN connected with a STM32L4 via UART. The STM32L4 runs Bluetopia stack. When we send BLE notifications at a fixed pace (250ms) for a while, we observe that one particular…
Part Number: CC2564MODN 1. Is it possible to control CC2564MODNEM dev board directly from uart? I didn't find the default baudrate in the specs.
2. Is there a Bluetooth stack for ARM MK64 for using with the cc2564MODN or should I use and manage it…
Part Number: CC2564MODN Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320AIC3254 , CC3200AUDBOOST , CC2564 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio There is one thing in HFPDemo_HF inside which I don't understand when it comes to…
Part Number: CC2564MODN Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2564 Hi, thanks and happy new year.
I need to develop a fast a2d sampling machine, and pass the samples using bluetooth. Thought of using mk64/24 (since I've already used it and have the sampling…
Part Number: CC2564MODN Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2564 Hi and thanks.
I didn't manage to activate the cc2564modn using HCI commands.
Did try using the HCI tool. Managed to download the latest service pack, but didn't find enough HCI command…