Part Number: CC2630 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: Z-STACK , , CC2340R5 , CC2651R3 Tool/software: I searched for any kind of Zigbee stack for CC2630, and I have only found the Z-Stack Home 1.2.2a library in the archives that explicitly states support for…
Part Number: CC2630 Tool/software: I am encountering an issue with deployed devices where it is reporting reset_src=5 which is clock loss detect. These are happening on a large number of devices on sites we know to have fairly bad power. I suspect there…
Part Number: CC2630 I have a bit of a vague question because my ability to gather information is limited, so I'll try to keep this as much about the MCU as possible... I'm also using mostly proprietary software so this isn't a TI RTOS question.…
Part Number: CC2630 I see in the MAC CoP documentation information about the power control pins, and it refers to the NPI Users Guide for more details. In the users guide it specifies UART behavior when the host is or is not using these pins. I'm unclear…
Part Number: CC2630 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS , TIMAC , Z-STACK ,
I am writing for an existing deployment so I cannot use the resources available in ROM. SYSBIOS and Stack has to entirely be in flash. I'm seeing that the FLASH_ONLY config …
Part Number: CC2592 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2630
I work on a product that is a CC2630+CC2592 but the firmware has a bug where PA_EN and HGM are switched -- PA_EN is a configured as a GPIO that's always set and HGM is configured to RFC_GPO1…
Part Number: CC2630 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIMAC , CC2650 This is for an existing product so I have no flexibility in hardware, software or the type of encryption I am using.
I am writing an application for a CC2630 that requires CBC AES function…
Part Number: CC2630 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS , TIMAC , , Z-STACK I'm writing for an application where using SYSBIOS in ROM isn't possible so I have to place a lot in flash. Unfortunately this has put me in a difficult situation resource wise…
Part Number: CC2630 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2650 , TIMAC , UNIFLASH , , CC2651R3 , SYSBIOS I am working with TIMAC (tirtos_simplelink_2_11_01_09) and trying to write a simple app that blinks some LEDs. This program works as expected when during…
Part Number: CC2630 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIMAC , SYSBIOS
I am trying to init the ICall stack similar to the MSA example for TIMAC (I am stuck with this hardware so switching isnt possible). I am properly making the ICall calls from a task function…