Hi Elango,
Thank you for confirming the HW setup. If you are performing writes at a certain rate in your custom application then maybe it is possible to simply perform dummy writes based on a timer that executes at the same rate. This may allow the behavior…
Part Number: CC2640 Tool/software: I would like to use command line to control the "srfprog.exe" to program CC2640 with multiple image.
On my application, I like to program my device with "HostTest.hex" and "HostTestStack.hex" at the same time…
Ddnr said: - point 6, you are referring to the RFCC26XX_singleMode.c file in CC2640 or CC2640R2 sdk. Because I see a huge difference when I compare the file you have provided and one without modification.
- point 7, do you mean to make changes in app_ble…
Part Number: CC2640 Tool/software: TI RF CC2640/2652, we have encountered some issues with some RF configurations. Can you arrange for your technical personnel to assist in providing support and answers. Especially the physical quantities and specific…
Part Number: CC2640 Tool/software: The erasing software interface displays a recognizable chip, but when double clicking to connect the chip, an error message 'Debug interface is locked' appears.
Could you help to analysis this?
Part Number: CC2640 Tool/software: Hello TI support
I am working for Honeywell BMS group from Duluth GA. We are using CC2640 in our product Inncom E7 thermostat for Bluetooth communication.
We suspect CC2640 chip being too slow processing in Bluetooth…
Part Number: CC2640R2F Tool/software: Hi Team,
I am trying to add an additional characteristic UUID to the sample code for my BLE - peripheral project, but I have not been successful. I am unable to add the UUID. Could you please suggest any possible…
Part Number: CC2640 Tool/software: although I have installed new compiler version and I see it, it looks like the CCS doesn't use it ?
I am using CCS : Version:
in order to try to revive old project that worked
attached 2 pictures with…
Part Number: CC2640 Hi,
I'm currently working on setup Direct Test Mode for 1M PHY testing.
Chip: CC2640F128.
BLE STACK version: 2.2.7.
RF Testing Software: BTool.exe
Binaries were built from Host_Test Project, according to the Direct Test…