Part Number: CC2640R2F Tool/software:
I'm not having any further idea what to check to get any firmware going on my custom board and need some new ideas. Below my schematics.
I can seamlessly flash and debug the device, however deep in the guts…
Thanks. I am testing this on my side, I will answer in the other thread: .
Part Number: CC2640R2F Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1350 Tool/software: Hi team,
I am using the BLE Simple Observer Example code along with this, I added the 3 tasks for IPC, UART Rx, and UART Tx (Priority 1). Here, I am facing an issue that while…
Part Number: CC2640R2F Tool/software: I am using CC2640r2f LAUNCHXL and I am running Simpleperipheral example project while turning off the uart (Display_Print) but keeping the advertisment enabled as it is. The current consumption after 5 sec ( when it…
Hi Lakshmi,
Thank you for the details. Understood. As long as the issue is reproduce able on a minimally modified SDK example, then that should work for R&D. To clarify, does this mean you were able to reproduce it on a LP with simple_peripheral_cc2640r2lp_oad_onchip_app…
Part Number: CC2640R2F Tool/software: I'm trying to use the HCI_LE_ReadPhyCmd() API in the simple_np project of blestack but it is failing to build. It seems like the definition of this API is not available in this Stack. Is there any way to use this…
Part Number: CC2640R2F Tool/software: Hello,
Sensor Controller, specifically current source, Time to Digital converter (96 MHz timer) and comparator are ideal for our application. Some time ago we have made prototypes with CC2640R2FYFVT and it worked…