Part Number: CC3120MOD Tool/software: Hi,
We use CC3120MOD in our products. These days we received that Murata 6.8uH coil - LQP15MN6N8B02D which was used in reference design (L1) is becoming obsolete and is being discontinued by Murata.
Which part is…
Part Number: CC3120MOD
Dear team.
If we change the LPF circuit parameter (L or C) from BOOSTXL-CC3120MOD, does it affect to the telec certification? we are using same antenna to the EVM.
best regards, Yuto
Part Number: CC3120MOD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Hello,
we have the exactly same setup facing the exact same issue however we updated the servicepack externally with UniFlash.
Now sl_wlanSet() returns SL_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM for SP 3.11. Is…
Part Number: CC3120MOD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3120 Hello,
My customer is asking about test pin on CC3120MOD.
1) What purpose are test pins (TEST_60, TEST_62) used?
2) Can user use these pins for CE Compliance Test Procedure?
Part Number: CC3120MOD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3XXXRADIOTEST , Dear team,
We would like to take certification test by using CC3XXXRADIOTEST and our board. We use Host MCU to connect CC3120MOD by SPI.
Q1: Can we use it by using USB-UART adopter…
Part Number: CC3120MOD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3135 , CC3120 , CC3301 , CC3300 Hello, I am looking for a component that is able to setup a Wi-Fi Access Point with IPV6, allow one or more incoming socket connections on specific ports, and pass…
Part Number: CC3120MOD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3120 Hello,
I have a customer who would like to disable some of the slower PHY speeds to help reduce airtime occupancy. Is there a way to do this on the CC3120? Is there a way to disable 802.11b…
basically an ACK is returned on data and most management frames (not for beacons as an example). But, I wouldn't spend time on ACK for deauth frames as at this point the AP just send a few frames in a role to denote there is no service anymore.
Part Number: CC3120MOD Hello,
I have a customer who wanted to know if there were any safety mechanisms in place on the on board serial flash? What's the behavior if the CC3120mod happens to be writing to the flash when the reset signal gets asserted?…
Part Number: BOOSTXL-CC3120MOD Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5994 , , CC3120 , CC3100 , MSP430F5529 I am using the boostxl-cc3120mod booster pack on a MSP430FR5994 MCU. I am trying to use the wifi module to communicate on the internet through the…